How Many Are Killed By Gun In Great Britain


In modern times, gun ownership is a divisive and complicated subject. Whether it is for sport, hunting or personal defence, guns are a controversial item. On one hand, some of us believe that guns can provide security and serve a recreational purpose. On the other hand, there are those who believe that a gun is an inherently dangerous weapon that should be regulated and controlled. The topic that we will be discussing today is the level of gun deaths in Great Britain. In this article, we will explore the history of gun control in Great Britain, the factors that have led to gun deaths, and the potential solutions to this growing problem.

2.Gun Control in Great Britain

History has played an important role in shaping the current situation in regards to gun control in Great Britain. In the 19th century, the government implemented a number of restrictive laws focused on guns. These laws ranged from preventing those convicted of felony from carrying firearms to the banning of particular weapons. For over a century, these laws were strictly adhered to, and the level of gun deaths in Great Britain were at remarkably low levels.

3.Gun Deaths in Great Britain

Despite the fact that stringent gun control laws have long been in place in Great Britain, the problem of gun deaths has slowly begun to resurface. In 2018, there were 1,677 homicides committed with a firearm, the highest level since 2011. This is a 27% increase from the number of gun deaths in 2017. The most common type of weapon used was a handgun, and the vast majority of victims were male. The rise in gun deaths has raised numerous questions and, understandably, has raised public concern.

4.Factors Contributing to Gun Deaths

While a single cause for gun deaths in Great Britain cannot be conclusively determined, there are a number of factors that have been identified as potential contributors. These include the rise of organized crime, a proliferation of guns in society, and gaps in the regulatory system. In particular, police have highlighted that criminals are increasingly using illegally obtained firearms to commit serious offences. This trend is especially evident in the ages of those affected, with most victims between the ages of 15 and 24.

5.Potential Solutions

In order to address the issue of gun deaths in Great Britain, a number of potential solutions have been proposed. Perhaps the most common suggestion has been for increased gun regulation as a way to limit the availability of firearms. Other solutions have included investment into police presence in troubled areas, and better background checks for potential gun owners. It is clear that whichever solution is implemented, it must be well thought-out and effective in order to make a lasting impact.

6.Open-Carry Laws and Gun Deaths

It is largely believed that open-carry laws are one of the main contributors to gun death rates. Concealed weapons create an element of surprise and confusion for perpetrators, who may be uncertain whether or not the victim is armed. This element of surprise has been missing in recent years, as open-carry laws have become more common. This has given perpetrators a sense of security in their actions, as they now know that they are unlikely to face an armed victim.

7.Education on Gun Safety

Gun safety education is an important part of reducing gun deaths in Great Britain. Education on the potential deterrents of having a gun can help to spread the message that guns are not something to be taken lightly. Firearms can be beneficial if used for the right reasons, but in the wrong hands they can lead to catastrophe. Through campaigns and initiatives such as advertisements and seminars, this message can be spread to more citizens and hopefully help reduce the number of gun deaths in Great Britain.

8.The Role of the Government

The government has a number of roles to play in reducing gun deaths in Great Britain. The government should increase the focus and investment into police presence in areas that are known to be hotbeds of gun violence. Furthermore, the government should look into ways to further tighten gun regulation laws and tighten loopholes. The government also needs to invest resources into education on gun safety and awareness of the potential risks associated with gun ownership.

9.Social Media and Gun Deaths in Great Britain

In recent years, social media has become an increasingly important platform to spread awareness regarding the issues of gun violence. Through social media platforms, citizens have the ability to spread their opinions and perspectives in real-time, with minimal effort. This has been a powerful tool in getting the message out that gun ownership is something to be taken seriously. Social media can be used to spread information regarding gun safety and potential deterring solutions.

10.Gun Culture and Gun Deaths in Great Britain

The culture surrounding gun ownership has changed significantly in the modern age. Guns are often depicted as powerful and desirable items, making them more appealing to young people who may not have considered owning a gun before. This new perception of guns can have a impact on gun death rates, as those who may not have formerly considered buying a gun may now view it as a desirable item.

11.Mental Health and Gun Deaths in Great Britain

Mental health is an important factor in understanding the issue of gun deaths in Great Britain. Studies have shown that many of those involved in gun violence suffer from pre-existing mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. It is therefore important that proper mental health resources are available in order to support those who may be at risk of gun violence. Research has indicated that those with mental health conditions are more likely to purchase and use guns for self-harm.

12.Gangs and Gun Deaths in Great Britain

Gangs have been known to play an important role in the prevalence of gun deaths in Great Britain. Gangs often contain individuals who use firearms as a way of instilling fear and committing acts of violence. The rise in gang activity has had a profound effect on the gun death statistics in Great Britain, as gangs often resort to guns as a means of protection and advancement.

13.Gun Accessibility and Gun Deaths in Great Britain

The accessibility of guns in Great Britain, particularly on the black market, has been another factor in the rise of gun deaths. With the ease of access to guns, more citizens are able to purchase firearms without resorting to legal channels. This has led to an increase in the number of firearms in circulation, and ultimately a higher rate of gun related homicides and injuries.


Gun deaths are a pressing and growing issue in Great Britain, and it is important that all citizens understand the factors that have led to this development. Only by understanding the history behind the problem, the potential solutions, and the changes that have taken place in terms of gun culture can we begin to make meaningful progress and reduce gun deaths in Great Britain.

Rocco Rivas

Rocco P. Rivas is a prolific British writer who specialises in writing about the UK. He has written extensively on topics such as British culture, politics and history, as well as on contemporary issues facing the nation. He lives in London with his wife and two children.

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