How To Call Great Britain On A Sprint Phone


Calling Great Britain on a Sprint phone requires some preparation and knowledge of the different services available. Whether you choose to use an app or a calling card, you need to understand how the different services work and the best option for you. This article will provide a comprehensive look at the different services available, their features, and how to make an international call to Great Britain with a Sprint phone.

Calling Card

A calling card allows you to make international calls from a Sprint phone to Great Britain at a discounted rate. The card typically has a PIN number associated with it that will be used for each call you make and certain fees can be associated with these cards. The best part about using a calling card is that the rates tend to be lower than most traditional methods. However, there can be hidden fees involved with these cards and you should be aware of all charges before using one.


Apps are probably the most popular way to make international calls from a Sprint phone to Great Britain. The app you choose can depend on the type of phone you have as well as the features you are looking for. Some popular apps include Skype, Viber, WhatsApp, WeChat, and Google Voice. Each of these apps offers different features such as video calling, calling with low-cost foreign numbers, and other features depending on the app. The best part about using an app to make the call is that you can typically do it for free depending on the app and phone plan you have.

Traditional Calling

Using a traditional call service is another option for making international calls with a Sprint phone to Great Britain. This typically involves accessing a phone plan that includes international calling, or purchasing a calling plan for international calls. These plans typically come with a variety of features such as an international toll-free number, free minutes, and other services. The downside to using these traditional plans is that they can be more expensive than the other options, and can be difficult to understand for users who are not familiar with the international calling process.

Prices Comparison

When trying to decide between a calling card, an app, and traditional calling, it’s important to compare the prices to see which option is the most cost-effective. Calling cards usually offer the best rates, but as mentioned earlier can have hidden fees associated with them. Apps are typically the cheapest option as most are free and offer low-cost foreign numbers. Traditional calling can be the most expensive option, as they can include different fees depending on the plan you choose.

Security Concerns

When making international calls with a Sprint phone, you also need to be aware of any security concerns that may arise. The apps mentioned above typically use end-to-end encryption to protect your data and calls, which is an important feature to look for when choosing an app. It is also important to make sure that you are using a secure wi-fi connection when making calls and that you are not accessing your accounts on any public wi-fi.


It’s also important to consider the reliability of the service you choose when making international calls with a Sprint phone. Both calling cards and apps can have unreliable connections and be subject to dropped calls, so it’s important to read reviews of the service you choose to make sure you are getting the best service possible. Traditional services typically offer the best reliability as they are generally not subject to the same issues as the other options.

The International Number

When making international calls from a Sprint phone to Great Britain, you will need to know the international number for the country you are calling. The international number for Great Britain is +44, which you will need to include when making the call. Once you know the international number, you can proceed with making the call using the service of your choice.

Roaming Services

Using a roaming service is another option for making international calls with a Sprint phone. This service allows you to use your existing plan while abroad, and can usually include international calls. The downside to this service is that the rates can be higher than the other options, so it’s important to compare the different services before deciding which one to use.

Safety and Privacy Protection

When making international calls with a Sprint phone, it’s important to take certain precautions to ensure you are safe and your privacy is protected. Make sure to turn off your call forwarding and voicemail options when traveling abroad, and be aware of any scams or fraudulent calls that you may receive. You should also be aware of any call location services that can track your movements, and make sure that any apps you are using are up-to-date with the latest security patches.


Calling Great Britain from a Sprint phone can be done through the use of a calling card, an app, or a traditional calling service. Each option has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to compare the services and prices before making a decision. It is also important to keep safety and privacy in mind when making an international call, and you should always be aware of any scams or fraudulent calls that you may receive. With the right knowledge and preparation, you can make an international call from a Sprint phone to Great Britain with ease.

Rocco Rivas

Rocco P. Rivas is a prolific British writer who specialises in writing about the UK. He has written extensively on topics such as British culture, politics and history, as well as on contemporary issues facing the nation. He lives in London with his wife and two children.

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