What Social Change Occurred In Great Britain

The social changes that occurred in Britain over the last few decades have been immense and far-reaching. It is hard to overstate the impact these changes have had on British society as a whole; from its economy to its culture, politics and institutions. This article will look at some of the key social transformations that have taken place since the 1980s, and explore how these changes have affected Britain’s people, economy and government.

One of the main social changes that has taken place in Great Britain in recent years has been increased globalisation. This trend has been driven by the development of new technologies and globalisation of capital, labour and communication. As a result, there has been an increase in cross-border trade and investment, and more people have been able to migrate to Britain. This increasing globalisation has had a profound effect on Britain’s economy, culture and political system.

The increasing importance of the service sector is another key element of social change in Britain. Over the past few decades, the service sector has taken an increasingly prominent role in the British economy, growing from around 40% of GDP in 1977 to 61% today. This trend is closely linked to the increasing popularity of the ‘knowledge economy’, where people are increasingly working in sectors such as IT, finance and customer service.

The rise of technology has also played a major role in changing Britain’s social landscape. The internet revolution has changed the way people communicate, work and interact with one another. It has also made it possible for people to access services and information that would have been impossible to obtain previously. In addition, the introduction of the ‘smartphone’ has enabled people to stay connected to their friends and family, no matter where they are.

The growth in immigration has had a huge impact on Britain’s social and cultural landscape in recent decades. According to the Office of National Statistics (ONS), the population of non-UK born residents has grown from just over 3 million in 1997, to 8.6 million in 2015. This has resulted in a huge influx of people from different cultures, religions and backgrounds, creating a much more diverse society.

Finally, it is worth noting the effects of austerity on Britain’s social landscape. Since the 2008 financial crisis, the UK government has implemented a series of austerity measures, including cuts to public services, increased taxes, and job losses. This has had a significant effect on the living standards of many Britons, particularly those on low incomes.

The Impact of Social Change on the Economy

The social changes that have taken place in Britain have had a major impact on its economy. Globalisation has led to an increase in foreign direct investment and tourism, while the growth of the service sector and the rise of technology has been key drivers of economic growth in recent years. Immigration has also had a positive effect on the economy, providing both a larger pool of labour and increased demand for goods and services.

However, it is important to note that the effects of austerity have also had a negative effect on the economy. Many Britons have seen their living standards reduce as a result of cuts to public services, increased taxes, and job losses. This has led to a decrease in demand, reduced investment and an increase in inequality, particularly among the poorest in society.

The Impact of Social Change on Government

The social changes that have taken place in Britain have had a major effect on its government and political system. The rise of globalisation has led to increased cross-border trade and investment, and the government has had to adapt to a more complex and interdependent world. The growth of the service sector and the rise of technology have resulted in a focus on new industries and new forms of regulation.

Immigration has also been a key factor in the development of government policy in recent years. The increase in immigration has led to a shift in public opinion, with a greater emphasis on integration and multiculturalism. This has resulted in the introduction of new policies aimed at promoting integration and reducing discrimination. In addition, the effects of austerity have led to the government focussing on how to reduce inequality and protect vulnerable communities.

The Impact of Social Change on Culture

The social changes that have taken place in Britain have had a major impact on its culture and identity. Globalisation has resulted in an increased focus on multiculturalism, with many Britons feeling a greater sense of pride in their differences. The service sector has given rise to a generation of young professionals, who are more likely to have global awareness and international outlook.

The rise of technology and the internet has made it easier for people to access and create digital content, including music, film and art. This has resulted in a greater diversity of expression and a deeper understanding of different cultures. Finally, immigration has also had an impact on the culture of Britain, with people from different backgrounds bringing their own unique cultures and experiences to the country.

The Impact of Social Change on Social Structures

The social changes that have taken place in Britain have also had a major impact on its social structures. The increasing trend of globalisation has led to an increase in diversity, giving people more choice in terms of religion, culture and lifestyle. The rise of technology has enabled people to access information and services at a faster rate than ever before.

In addition, the increased immigration has had a major effect on social structures. The influx of people from different backgrounds and cultures has led to a greater acceptance and understanding of other cultures and beliefs. This has led to more open communication and exchange between different demographics, and a more tolerant society.


The social changes that have taken place in Britain in recent years have had a major impact on its economy, culture, social structures and government. Globalisation has led to an increase in cross-border trade and investment, while the rise of technology, the growth of the service sector, and increased immigration have all had a profound effect on Britain’s social landscape. Despite the negative impacts of austerity, the overall effect has been a more open and diverse society, with a greater understanding of different cultures and beliefs.

Margaret Hanson

Margaret R. Hanson is a journalist and writer from the United Kingdom. She has been writing about the UK for over a decade, covering topics such as politics, current affairs, and culture. Margaret is committed to producing work that is engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.

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